Portuguese Arbitration Association represented at the Global Conference of the Co-Chairs' Circle

Portuguese Arbitration Association represented at the Global Conference of the Co-Chairs' Circle

News 06 June 2022


Filipe Rocha Vieira and Miguel Pereira da Silva, members of the Portuguese Arbitration Association's (APA) sub-40 Council, were present, representing APA, at the Global Conference of the Co-Chairs' Circle which took place in Brussels on 2-4 June 2022. APA's Executive Secretary, João Vilhena Valério, also attended the event.

The Co-Chairs' Circle (CCC) is an informal platform that currently brings together 30 groups of young professionals working in the area of arbitration (http://co-chairs-circle.com/). Among other activities, the CCC promotes a global conference every two years. This year's event was organised by CEPANI40 under the theme "Legitimacy in and of arbitration". See here.

Portuguese Arbitration Association represented at the Global Conference of the Co-Chairs' Circle

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