The 10th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Arbitration

The 10th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Arbitration

News 24 April 2023

The 10th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Arbitration, organised by the Portuguese Arbitration Association, the Arbitration and Mediation Centre of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce, the Brazilian Arbitration Committee and the Commercial Arbitration Centre, took place on 12 April at 5pm at the headquarters of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The initiative was also supported by Canal Arbitragem.
Panel 1, on the topic "The disclosure of data by the Arbitration Chambers", was moderated by Marcelo Ferro, and had as speakers Nuno Ferreira Lousa and Silvia Rodrigues Pachikoski. Panel 2, on "The publication of arbitration awards", was moderated by António Pinto Leite and had as speakers Rita Lynce de Faria and José Emílio Nunes Pinto.

APA's Management would like to thank the speakers and all the registered participants.

The 10th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Arbitration

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