The V Lisbon Vis Pre moot

Events 14 February 2023

To all the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Community,

The Lisbon Pre-Moot is back for its V Edition!

The V Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot is organized by the Under-40 Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (“APA-40”) with the support of Portugal Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (“PT-VYAP”), the Board for the Future of the Commercial Arbitration Center (“CAC Futuro”) and the Portuguese Arbitration Moot Association (“PAMA”).

The Competition will be held in-person, in several top-tier law firms in Lisbon, with the possibility for online participation.

The Pre-Moot will have 2 social events, and a prize award for the winning team of €1.000,00 (no registration fee).

To guarantee your place and for additional information, please fill out the form available here

For inquiries and additional information, you can contact the organization via the following e-mail address:

LIMITED VACANCIES – Register now to guarantee your place

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: 28th February 2023, 23h59

We are looking forward to hosting you in Lisbon!




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