Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem

The Councils

Dear Member, please participate in one of the APA Councils because your collaboration is very important for the success of our Association. Entries can be sent to the respective Presidents or to the APA Board.

Joaquim Shearman de Macedo - President

Joaquim Shearman de Macedo


The Ethics Council was created, by means of the bylaws, when APA was created and started its activity, under the presidency of the Chairman of the Portuguese Bar Association António Pires de Lima, on 10 December 2006. The Council is presided by Agostinho Pereira de Miranda since 2008. The main goal of the Ethics Council consists in discussing, preparing and disclosing the best practices in r...

Rita Gouveia - President

Rita Gouveia


Created by decision of the Board and presided since 5 November 2009 by Rui Pinto Duarte, the Council for Commercial Arbitration Practice started its activity on 14 February 2007, with José Miguel Júdice as delegate of the Board and furthermore consisting of the Members António Pires de Lima, António Pinto Cardoso, José Pires Machado, José Lebre de Freitas, Bernardo Ayala, Ricardo Guima...

Ricardo Guimarães - Member

Ricardo Guimarães


The Council for Public Law Arbitration initiated its activity in December 2010, and is currently presided, since July 2017, by Rui Medeiros. The Council aims to stimulate the reflection and the debate, in particular by organizing open meetings and colloquiums on relevant arbitral practice topics, whether regarding administrative arbitration, or regarding tax arbitration.

Tiago Duarte - President

Tiago Duarte


The Investment Arbitration Council was created in 2012. The purpose of the Investment Arbitration Council is to give information regarding the existence, the importance and characteristics that make investment arbitration unique.  In order to achieve its purpose, the Investment Arbitration Council organizes and gives access to useful information regarding investment arbitration (Conventions, ...

Tatiana Lisboa Padrão

Tatiana Lisboa Padrão

Comissão Coordenadora

Leonor van Lelyveld

Leonor van Lelyveld

Comissão Coordenadora

Joana Granadeiro

Joana Granadeiro

Comissão Coordenadora

Matilde Líbano Monteiro

Matilde Líbano Monteiro

Comissão coordenadora

Created by decision of the Board on 26 September 2011, the Sub-40 Council intends to encompass the younger members of APA (those under 40 years of age) and to promote initiatives that are specifically directed at them.

António Pedro Pinto Monteiro - Member

António Pedro Pinto Monteiro


Considering that estimates indicate that the sports industry is responsible for between 3 to 6 percent of total world trade, it should come as no surprise that it is also an important source of legal disputes. With particular interest to the arbitral community, we can assume that arbitration is now firmly established as the method for resolving many of these disputes in the sports industry, with...

Pedro Maia - President

Pedro Maia


Cláusula compromissória–modelo para arbitragem societária ad hoc Consulte aqui. ____________________   Questões/Respostas sobre arbitragem societária Consulte aqui.

Pedro Madeira Brito - Member

Pedro Madeira Brito


Sandra Passinhas - Presidente

Sandra Passinhas


A arbitragem de consumo, em Portugal, assenta sobretudo em estruturas institucionalizadas, os centros de arbitragem de conflitos de consumo. Estes centros, cuja instalação depende de autorização do Ministro da Justiça (Decreto-Lei n.º 425/86, de 27 de dezembro) e de audição prévia da Direção-Geral do Consumidor (Lei n.º 144/2015, de 8 de setembro), têm procedimentos e árbitros própri...

António Neto Alves

António Neto Alves


Bartolomeu de Noronha

Bartolomeu de Noronha


Carlos Martins Ferreira

Carlos Martins Ferreira


Cláudia Trabuco

Cláudia Trabuco


Helena Soares de Moura

Helena Soares de Moura


João Gomes da Silva

João Gomes da Silva


José Almeida Fernandes

José Almeida Fernandes


Luís Brito Goes

Luís Brito Goes


Marta Afonso

Marta Afonso


Marta Cruz Almeida

Marta Cruz Almeida


Miguel Ventura

Miguel Ventura


Patrícia Fonseca

Patrícia Fonseca


Rita Ferreira de Almeida

Rita Ferreira de Almeida


Rui Ramalhal

Rui Ramalhal


Sara Gonçalves

Sara Gonçalves


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