The VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot Begins Today

The VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot Begins Today

Eventos 06 Março 2024

The VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot Begins Today

We're thrilled to announce that the eagerly awaited VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot, organized by the Under-40 Council of the Portuguese Arbitration Association (APA Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem - "APA-40"), the PT-VYAP Portugal Very Young Arbitration Practitioners ("PT-VYAP"), the Portuguese Arbitration Moot Association ("PAMA") and the Board for the Future of the Commercial Arbitration Center (Centro de Arbitragem Comercial- "CAC Futuro"), kicks off today!

We are thrilled to welcome 14 teams to Lisbon, comprising approximately 100 participants, all eager to engage in the spirited exchanges and rigorous debates that define the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot experience.

This event wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of them: Abreu AdvogadosAntas da Cunha Ecija & AssociadosCMS PortugalCuatrecasasGPA AdvogadosMorais LeitãoPLMJUría Menéndez, and VdA Vieira de Almeida.

We are also proud to announce the support of Tales of The Tribunal, which will be covering the VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot throughout the days.

To all participants, sponsors, and supporters, thank you for being part of the VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot. Your dedication and enthusiasm make this event truly extraordinary.

Let the mootings begin!

The VI Lisbon Vis Pre-Moot Begins Today

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